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Graduates join a network over 900 alumni, who hold leading sustainability positions around the world.


  • Alumni work in near equal numbers in government, business, and civil society.

  • Their positions involve all aspects of sustainability, including climate, energy, and technology.

  • An alumni directory helps students and alumni network and learn from one another.


ESP Alumni Ambassador Program


Our alumni ambassadors are eager to speak with prospective students about their experiences in the program and their sustainability careers after graduation. Please fill out the information form if you would like to arrange to speak with any of the alumni ambassadors.

Buena Vista, CO:

Maria Chavez     

Energy Analyst

Union of Concerned Scientists


Brussels, Belgium:

Carlos Calvo Ambel

Senior Director, Non-Road Policy and Analysis.

Transport and Environment


Berlin and Brussels:

Thomas Legge

Director, Land Use  

European Climate Foundation


Houston, TX:

Erica Glenn         

Policy Associate

Advanced Energy Economy   


Jacksonville, Florida: 

April Nudo Patterson

Senior Planner and Senior Project Manager

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Lima, Peru:

Maria Gracia Aguilar

City Advisor

C40 Cities


New York, New York:

Gabe Cowles

VP of Finance and Business Development

Urban Electric Power


Emmanuelle Humblet

Environmental, Policy & Social Initiatives



Molly Dunton

Project Developer

Liberty Renewables

Portland, Oregon:

Fletcher Beaudoin


Portland State University’s Institute for Sustainable Solutions


San Diego, California:

Katie Altobello-Czescik
Environmental Specialist
Planning & Environmental Affairs Department
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority


San Francisco, California: 

Julia Koppman Norton   
Coastal Planner
California Coastal Commission


Santiago, Chile:

Gabriel Prudencio 
Head of Renewable Energy Division
Ministerio de Energía Chile 


Washington DC:

Anne Canavati
Senior Analyst
Energy Futures Initiative

Daniel Teitelbaum    

Data Team Leader

US Environmental Protection Agency


Joseph Daniel
Manager of Electricity Markets
Union of Concerned Scientists


Leonardo Pradela

Senior Program Specialist, ESG Integration

Wells Fargo

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